Monthly Archives: November 2015

Charity program #BiegamDobrze

180,000 –  the amount of money that runners raised in run for charity action #BiegamDobrze during 37th PZU Warsaw Marathon in 2015. And that was just the beginning of running for charity in Poland!

Now you have an opportunity to actively support the operation of one of our four partner organizations: Amnesty International, The Nobody’s Children Foundation, SYNAPSIS Foundation, Rak’n’Roll – Win Your Life! Foundation, Premature Parents to Parents Foundation, WWF Poland Foundation. Choose a cause that is close to your heart and contribute to it running in the 11th PZU Warsaw Half Marthon.

Good luck!




Train with FMW runners!

Warsaw Marathon Foundation invites all runners living in Warsaw for a free, year-round training series that will prepare you to the 11th PZU Warsaw Half Marathon and will help you to keep optimal form all year round. The running community ‘FMW runners’ is leading by three trainers: Bartosz Olszewski, Paweł Olszewski and Łukasz Oskierko – leading Polish long-distance runners.

