
Finishers medals

Medals are not just earned on race day. They are earned on early mornings, humid afternoons, and holidays when you’d rather sleep in.

We present the medals of the 12thWarsaw Half Marathon. Earn yours!

Dress up and suit up.

The level of sports competition on our events is extremely high, but the Warsaw Half Marathon is also famous for a large group of positively crazy participants who value the spectacular outfit more than the result at the finish line and comfort of running.

Thanks to their creativity, our events can be proud of many interesting running objects. National Stadium, construction machinery, superheroes and animals are just some of them. One thing is certain, their outfits bring joy to the supporters and other runners.

If you have an idea to start in a race wearing a crazy outfit … do not hesitate any longer, there will be no better opportunity for that. Jump to the next level of enjoying running! We have awards for the most original and wacky costumes: adidas running sets including shoes, t-shirt and shorts.

The rules are simple.
1. Cover the route of the 12th Warsaw Half Marathon in a creative costume.
2. Send the picture of you from the 12th Warsaw Half Marathon Warsaw until March 28th to:

Two prizes will be awarded: one from the jury of the Warsaw Marathon Foundation and one from the voters on Facebook page.
Note for the runners taking part in the charity action #BiegamDobrze!

Remember that the declaration of running in a unique costume is a special motivator for your donors!


Great message!


The International Association of Athletics Federations IAAF awarded the 12th Warsaw Half Marathon the IAAF Bronze Label certification recognizing the organizational and sports level of the biggest road race in Poland.

Thus both big races in Warsaw – the Warsaw Half Marathon and the Warsaw Marathon – are officially certified with the IAAF quality label.

Race Office

Race kits for 12th Warsaw Half Marathon can be collected in the Race Office. The Race Office will be located at the “PGE Narodowy” stadium (aleja Poniatowskiego 1, 03-901 Warszawa ) and it will be open only on 24th and 25th March 2017.

24th March (Friday), 12 a.m. – 8 p.m.
25th March (Saturday), 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
The Race Office will be closed on the day of the race!

Remember! Your race kit can be collected by other
person provided he/she has your personal race card
(signed) and copy of your ID. Your race card will be
available to print out from your personal profile on
registration site about 2 weeks before the run.

Registration 2016

The registration for 12th Warsaw Half Marathon will be open on 11.11.2016! The biggest half marathon in Poland will take place on 26th of March 2017.

Stay tuned!

See you in Warsaw in 2017.

Multifunctional headwear in the race kit.

Less than seven weeks separate us from the great thrill of 11th PZU Warsaw Half Marathon. As every year, we have prepared many surprises for you. Here is one of them. Each participant will get a practical gadget useful at any season of the year – a multifunctional headwear. More surprises soon!

